Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well as I just finished homework and should start the cleaning of the apartment (isn't that how everyone wants to spend their day off work?), I am procrastinating by setting up this lovely blog. I have blogged in the past with such sites as xanga, but my friends stopped posting/reading and so that blogged stopped. After all a teacher once said in high school, people write because they want others to read their thoughts. Even if you say you do not, then why write it down and leave a paper trail behind? I have another blog set up on livejournal, but mostly to stalk my friends who are on live journal so I can read their posts and leave comments. Who doesn't like comments? So now I am here in a joint venture with some of my friends who I hope to link up to their blogs so you too can stalk them to discover a new avenue in the world of blogging.

Currently I am employed in the world of retail so look forward to posts about the holiday season, the economy, and people's shopping habits. I am also in grad school and attending Capella University on-line working on my MBA in human resources. So from time to time there may be posts about classes and what I am supposed to be learning about and what I really think about the topic at hand! I have two wonderful cute guinea pigs named Smokey and the Bandit so there maybe stories about them and some pics to go along. They are great pets and so of course expect blogs about why everyone should love guinea pigs as much as I do!

Other than that expect posts about what is going on in the world today, what is not going on, random thoughts, stories, questions, and life in general. Hopefully you guys will like to tune and enjoy!

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