Monday, November 16, 2009

a giant mix tape!

Remember the days when you made mix tapes by copying songs from one cassette to the other? If you were lucky you had a tape player that held two tapes and could copy one to the other. If not you were stuck holding one tape player next to the one recording and trying to be as quiet as possible during the process. Ok, so maybe I am showing my age as the younger generation did not get to experience this, but that is where the saying mix tape comes from. You tok songs from different tapes and put them together. This could be done for road trips or often times done for a loved one.

CD's soon took over. Does anyone know what cd stands for? I think it is compact discs. Anyways soon it became popular to burn cds to a computer and then compile different songs onto a mixed cd. Oooo the sound quality vastly improved as you didn't have to try and hold your breath while recording. And now comes the newest improved version of the mix tape!

Mixed playlists or podcasts. But I am making mine in the format of an Ipod shuffle. I bought my bf an ipod shuffle with the intention to motivate him to work out, but he doesn't use itunes nor stores any music on his computer. I know, lame! Next week he will be traveling to donate bone marrow for a little kid. He's such a hero. So I want to make him a playlist to fill his ipod shuffle with while he is gone. Very fun.

I enjoy taking random cds from friends to put on my computer and then discover music I might not otherwise try. It has been a lot of fun. Anyways, what has been your favorite mix tape compilation? I copied my Savage Garden cd onto a tape because my first car only had a tape player and I listened to it nonstop! Sigh. Post your favorite mix tape songs here!

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